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Thursday, January 26 2017
If only we all had a typical bride’s motivation to get in shape. All eyes on her, photographs that last a lifetime and a deeply felt desire to look amazing for her groom all contribute to creating a motivated fitness mindset. Mix it up and make it fun for the beautiful bride with these basic exercises, each of which has a hidden agenda. Most brides want toned arms, abs and, depending on dress choice, legs. A well-rounded workout is always a smart idea, but make sure to hit the hot spots so she’s satisfied. Each description below includes reasoning behind why that area is so important to tone and ways to make the exercise more effective. Wednesday, January 18 2017
Water is the most abundant substance in the human body (equivalent to 50-70% of total body weight). Our joints require it for lubrication, nutrients need it for transport and absorption, and our organs need it for protection. Simply put, water is essential for human life. Tuesday, January 17 2017
Which comes first: shampoo or conditioner? Easy. It's always shampoo. If only exercise were that simple. No matter how good we get at understanding exercise science, there are still some topics that seem forever debatable. One of those topics is the order of cardio and weight training. Which one comes first? We'd like the answer to be simple, but it’s a bit complicated. The good news? I’ll explain how it can be simple for you. It's only a complicated and difficult question if we are after an answer that applies to everyone. The answer for you is likely simple. Wednesday, January 04 2017
You know the drill: To lose weight you have to burn off more calories than you take in. In a perfect world, with no job, kids or stress, that would probably work. But unless you’re able to employ a chef and a personal trainer and have no responsibilities other than to eat what you’re given and move as you’re told, it’s probably not going to happen. Besides, to see real and lasting change in your weight, you’re going to have to do the work—yourself. To make this process easier, here are 16 of our best diet tips to help you lose weight and maintain the weight loss, forever. |