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Wednesday, August 05 2015

Squats work the glutes, hamstrings, quad, back and core, making it a great total-body exercise. Once you’ve learned the basics of good form (described here), you’ll be ready to move on to these six super-effective squat variations that will do wonders for your strength, flexibility, physique and power.

Source: ACE Fit | Fit Life | 6 Super-Effective Squat Variations You Need to Try

6 Super-Effective Squat Variations You Need to Try

July 28, 2015

Love them or hate them, squats can work wonders for your strength, flexibility, physique and power. This multijoint movement engages the glutes, hamstrings, quad, back and core, making it a great total-body exercise.

Before stepping into the squat rack or grabbing those heavy dumbbells, be sure to check in with your squat form. Stand in front of a mirror and begin with your feet slightly wider than shoulder-distance apart, giving yourself a good base of support. Throughout the squat, make sure your heels stay on the ground and your knees stay behind the front of your toes. As you begin to lower into the squat position, think about pushing your hips to the back of the room (or whatever is behind you). Continue to lower your glutes until parallel with the floor.

Remember: Squatting is like sitting in a chair. You don’t sit in a chair with your behind half in the air, do you? The bottom half of the squat is the hardest part and the portion of the exercise that really focuses on the glutes and hamstrings. In other words, get low, even if that means using no added weight at all.  (Read More)

Posted by: Aline Laing AT 03:17 pm   |  Permalink   |  Email
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