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Tuesday, March 21 2023

Sometimes when we train we try to get too fancy. We forget the simple exercises that can hit multiple body parts at once. Compound exercises, for example, allow you to “use the heaviest load possible, involve multiple joint articulations, and stimulate a large amount of muscle mass,” explains Eric Cressey, president of Cressey Sports Performance. “As an added bonus, the majority of these movements are performed [from a] standing position, meaning that you will need to display proper control of your body. Compound exercises are also more likely to increase your anabolic response to training, which is paramount when you’re trying to increase lean muscle tissue.” 

Posted by: AT 12:11 pm   |  Permalink   |  Email
Thursday, January 12 2023

Habits, good or bad, become magnets that pull us to think or act a certain way. These thoughts, actions, and beliefs become engrained through hours of practice over the course of a lifetime. While good habits become a source of energy and strength, enabling endless life possibilities, bad habits can act as roadblocks, leaving us perennially frustrated and defeated.

As we enter a new year, new opportunities arise for good habits to thrive and bad habits to die. This year, make the following three “power habits” part of your life to unleash your potential, maximize happiness and live extraordinarily.

Posted by: AT 09:19 am   |  Permalink   |  Email
Sunday, November 13 2022
How did you spend your last 24 hours? What do you do during a typical 24-hour weekday? Take a few moments and divide up those 24 hours and reflect on how you typically spend that time. How many hours did you spend sleeping? How many hours did you spend sitting down (don’t forget the times you sit in the car, while you eat, etc.)? How many hours did you spend moving? 
Author: Dominique Gummelt, PhD, is a director of university wellness, an international speaker, a certified personal trainer (ACE), a wellness practitioner (NWI), a lecturer, an author, a filmmaker, a hobby photographer, and a musician.
Posted by: AT 12:31 pm   |  Permalink   |  Email
Saturday, August 20 2022

If a little exercise is good for you, more must be better, right? Yes, but only up to a point. When it comes to exercise volume, there is a “dose-response relationship,” which means that the more you work out, the more benefits you will achieve, but there is a tipping point beyond which the amount of exercise you perform can do more harm than good. This point can be reached by one or both of the following two ways:

  • Too much exercise without enough recovery
  • Chronic under-fueling
Posted by: AT 08:20 am   |  Permalink   |  Email
Thursday, August 11 2022

Foam rollers are an effective method of reducing tension and increasing muscle length for either a pre-workout warm-up or post-exercise active recovery. Technically known as self-myofascial release (SMR), the use of foam rollers for the purpose of reducing muscle tension has become a widely accepted fitness practice.


Posted by: AT 02:39 pm   |  Permalink   |  Email
Friday, April 08 2022

Consistent, and progressive muscular training is the best way to increase muscle size(also known as hypertrophy) and strength). It’s also important to understand that building and sustaining muscle requires energy. Your body will not build additional muscle mass unless your caloric intake can sustain more muscle mass. If you are committed to increasing muscle mass, it is worth considering working with a registered dietitian to review the number of calories and distribution of macronutrients in your diet. Adequate nutrition combined with muscular training will help you build and maintain more muscle.


Posted by: AT 10:36 am   |  Permalink   |  Email
Friday, February 11 2022

Hip mobility and strength is essential for many daily activities like bending down to pick up an object or young child from the ground, walking upstairs or simply getting up from a seated position. In addition to providing an appealing shape, the glutes play an essential role in optimizing human performance for athletes, dancers and other people who move for a living. The primary role of the hip extensors, which include the hamstring and adductor muscles of the thigh, is to extend the hip during gait (walking or running) and provide dynamic stability when on a single leg. The hip extensors are responsible for lower-body strength and for distributing power from the ground through the rest of the body. It’s important to note that a lack of proper hip strength could lead to a sore low back, so doing exercises for your glutes will not only help improve the way you look, it can also help reduce your risk of back injury.

While the squat is an excellent exercise for enhancing both athletic performance and aesthetic appearance, when done incorrectly, it can cause discomfort in the low back and possibly injure the knee. If you are interested in strengthening your hips and developing an appealing backside, but want to reduce your risk of injury, try these six lower-body exercises that can help you achieve the results you want.

Posted by: AT 12:34 pm   |  Permalink   |  Email
Wednesday, January 12 2022

Food addiction is labeled as a disease where a person loses control, or the ability to stop, consuming food. Food addictions occur for many reasons. Scientifically, food addictions are a chemical dependency on certain foods, such as high-fat, high-sugar or salty foods, or food in general. 


Posted by: AT 08:23 am   |  Permalink   |  Email
Monday, November 29 2021
How did you spend your last 24 hours? What do you do during a typical 24-hour weekday? Take a few moments and divide up those 24 hours and reflect on how you typically spend that time. How many hours did you spend sleeping? How many hours did you spend sitting down (don’t forget the times you sit in the car, while you eat, etc.)? How many hours did you spend moving? 
Posted by: AT 12:19 pm   |  Permalink   |  Email
Friday, October 22 2021

In 2020 the world came to a halt and people stayed inside their homes to help stop the spread of COVID-19. Many jobs shifted to work-from-home and schools around the world transitioned to virtual learning.  Gyms, parks, and outdoor recreation areas also closed for a number of months limiting the ability to experience exercise outside of the home. As a result, we sat, a lot. Up to four more hours per day than before COVID-19 shutdowns.

Posted by: AT 10:14 am   |  Permalink   |  Email

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    *Weight-loss results may vary. Always consult your physician before making any dietary changes or starting any nutrition, weight control or exercise program. Information regarding training and exercise on this site is of a general nature.

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